Watch Israel's demonisation of Hamas get ever more hysterical as they try to justify their genocide of the Palestinian people.
There will be hostages cooked and canned before they are finished. All designed to distract the gullible from the reality of what is happening.
Israelis consider the Palestinians to be subhuman. Of course they must because how could they live with themselves treating other humans in the evil ways that they do and have done for so long?
The irony in this age is that people become outraged if animals are treated badly and no doubt the Israelis treat animals far better than they do the Palestinians whom they crush under occupation.
So, the enemy, which is the native people of the land Israel has stolen, must not only be subhuman they must be evil beyond measure so that no compassion can be allowed.
None of it is new of course and all of it is the true evil. To rid Palestine of every non-Jew which has always been the goal since Zionism was invented in the 1890's, requires Israelis, their supporters and as many of those they can gather in the world, to believe the Palestinians are not to be treated like real humans, or even helpless animals, but represent an evil threat which must be exterminated.
There are signs up in Tel Aviv calling for their extermination so that is the word which applies to Israel's genocide.
One would think, surely, who could believe such shocking things about a people crushed under the most venal and longest military colonial occupation in modern history. You would be surprised, I would say. I know I have been at how many seemingly intelligenct people have swallowed whole the Israeli propaganda and who would quietly rejoice if every last Palestinian was dead.
It is a pity, they might say to themselves that so many Palestinian Christians had to die, but a price which must be paid to rid the world of the evil of Muslims and to teach those uppity Arabs a lesson.
Bigotry toward Arabs also plays a part in this genocidal onslaught although ironically, being Jewish can eradicate that taint because in 1947 Israel gave immediate citizenship to all Arab Palestinian Jews, thereby demonstrating even an Arab can be accepted as human if they follow the right religion.
After all they console themselves and their withered conscience, Islam is going to take over the entire world if we don't get rid of the Palestinians. Never let facts or logic get in the way of propaganda. Brain function is always diminished in the fear-driven haters of anything.
The supporters of genocide also wince a bit at so many children killed, but, for some it is a necessary price to prevent them growing up and becoming evil subhuman, Untermenschen adults. Hang on, where have we heard that before?
So, Israel's evil war against Palestine is a mirror to our own evil and we can only hope that most people will recognise that ghastly image and stand up for what is right.
Just in case you do not recognise them, below are the faces of evil subhumans. They are only young but still dangerous. They need to be exterminated apparently.
In his powerful study of the First World War, Paul Fussell elaborated upon the logic that seemed to underwrite a soldier’s ability or willingness to kill his fellow man. Fussell pointed to what he called “gross dichotomizing,” which he identified as “a persisting imaginative habit of modern times, traceable, it would seem, to the actualities of the Great War.”
As he explained,
“We” are all here on this side; “the enemy” is over there. “We” are individuals with names and personal identities; “he” is a mere collective identity. We are visible; he is invisible. We are normal; he is grotesque.
Our appurtenances are natural; his, bizarre. He is not as good as we are. Indeed, he may be like “the Turk” on the Gallipoli Peninsula, characterized by a staff officer before the British landings there as “an enemy who has never shown himself as good a fighter as the white man.” Nevertheless, he threatens us and must be destroyed, or, if not destroyed, contained and disarmed.
(Fussell 1975, p. 75)
The racial distinction, of course, is part of the demonization of the enemy as well—Fussell’s quotation of the British officer comes from Robert Rhodes James’s 1965 book, Gallipoli (James 1965, p. 86)—but racial difference explains little about the gross dichotomizing Fussell identifies, particularly as the “sides” in question were equally “white,” that is, British and German. (It is well worth recalling that the British Royal Family itself was German, and during the war, in June 1917 specifically, King Georg V cannily opted to change the family’s ancestral moniker from the rather Teutonic-sounding House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha [i.e., Haus Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha] to a more English-like House of Windsor, owing to quite understandable anti-German sentiment in the United Kingdom at the time.)
Fussell goes on to quote British soldiers apparently in awe of the enemy’s “monstrous and grotesque” attributes. “Sometimes the shadowy enemy resembled the vilest animals,” with enemy soldiers being compared to water-rats scrambling into their holes or earwigs scattering under a rotten tree stump (Fussell 1975, p. 79). Fussell notes that descriptions of the German dead frequently mentioned the bodies’ porcine qualities. All of this contributes to the general idea that one’s wartime enemy is not entirely human.